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It was decided that priority should be given to the schemes for Saltley and Toton in addition to any of the schemes which were nearing completion.
Mr.Stanley reported that the programme of bogie modification and refurbishing of the Marylebone 4-car sets was up to date and 4 sets had been completed to the 8th April.
It was confirmed the programmed date of June 12th for the commencement of these services would be met.
Mr. Gould reported that the Manchester Part 3 scheme introduced on the 6th March was working satisfactorily and the loading of mid-day trains had improved slightly.
The comparative statement of the estimated annual net revenue of the passenger train services on the branches when operated (i) by A.C.V. units and (ii) by two car (M.C. + D.T.) Multiple Unit sets was examined and in view of the excess of the total costs of each of the services over the receipts it was agreed that it would be necessary to decide the future of the services before a submission could be compiled for the authorisation of the two car sets in lieu of the A.C.V. units.
Mr. Bell stated that an investigation was already proceeding into the possibility of withdrawing the passenger train service between Harrow and Belmont.
The question of the high track and signalling costs attributed to the Watford - St.Albans branch was discussed and Mr. Riley explained broadly the make up of the figure. Mr. Gould and Mr. Beatty agreed to investigate whether the debit to the scheme for signalmen's wages and repairs to track earthworks, bridges etc. respectively could not be reduced.
It was agreed to await a further report on the future of the Belmont passenger services and on the track and signalling costs on the Watfoord - St. Albans branch before the compilation of a submission for authority for the two-car sets was undertaken.