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3. Allocation of Units being built at Derby and by Contractors

Revised schedule of allocation attached as Appendix 'B'.


Before considering the minutes of the last Sub-Committee meeting, the Chairman referred to the re-appraisal of the requirements for diesel locomotive maintenance facilities as reported in Minute No.868.

Minutes of Sub-Committee Meeting held on 17th May, 1961

Noted with the following comments.-

The Chairman pointed out a further Sub-Committee meeting had been held on the 21st June, the minutes of which had not yet been circulated, and therefore some of the items had already been progressed.

Minute 1106.  Cricklewood (Diesel Locomotives and Multiple Units)
Minute 1115.  Marylebone (Multiple Units)

It was noted that outstanding work at Cricklewood had not progressed to schedule and also that although Marylebone Depot was now in use, there were several items outstanding.

The Chairman, whilst appreciating the difficulties in bringing these matters to a conclusion, asked that special efforts should be made by all concerned to finalise the work at these depots.

Minute 1143.  Kirkdale (Multiple Units)

The question of the removal of the cross-over road had been resolved, but the D.T.S. maintained that the provision of an additional cross-over road to obviate shunting movements through the washing plant was essential.

Owing to the physical disadvantages of the D.T.S's former proposals for the siting of this cross-over, a further suggestion had been referred to the C.C.E. by the D.T.S. on the 23rd June, and Mr.Beatty would look into and urge forward.

Minute 1110.  Nottingham London Road Low Level (Multiple Units)

Because of the decision to revise the maintenance facilities at Nottingham London Road Low Level to include facilities for diesel locomotives, following the re-appraisal referred to above, the submission for the multiple unit scheme would go forward to the Area Board without that for the maintenance depot, which would not now be available in time.