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(i) Diesel Depots - Budget Expenditure  (Contd.)

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It was noted that the provision of the proposed diesel multiple unit maintenance depot at Nottingham was dependent upon the authorisation of the schemes in the Nottingham area referred to in Minute 889(b) and (d), and in light of the possible abandonment of these schemes it was decided the proposals for a combimed maintenane depot for multiple units and locomotives should be re-examined by the Diesel Trains Servicing and Maintenance Sub-Committee.

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Minutes of Sub-Committee meeting held on 10th October, 1961

Noted, subject to the following comments :-

The Chairman referred to the section under the heading "Schemes authorised and in hand" (Minutes Nos.1204 to 1209 inclusive) and to the number of small items which were holding up the completion of the projects.  He asked that special efforts be made by all concerned to get these schemes cleared.

The progressing of schemes under the heading "Schemes not yet authorised" (Minutes Nos.1210 to 1231 inclusive) would have to be reviewed in the light of what had been stated in the last three paragraphs of minnute 892 of this meeting.