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Unidentified vehicles
Parcel vehicles
On the Aberdeen - Inverness line
23rd April 1983
Class 120 vehicle 53672 is seen from another DMU at Newtown on the Cambrian line on 23 April 1983. Stuart Mackay Collection.
2nd June 1986
Rows of DMUs on Chester depot on Monday 2 June 1986. The closest Class 120 parcel set is M53703 and presumably M53713. David Russon.
May 1985
Class 120 M53663 seen at Vic Berry Leicester with unknown Class 103 Park Royal along side. Another Class 120 further away and behind the Class 03 pilot. Seen in May 1985. Nicholas Youngman Collection.
Date unknown
Class 120 DMU set C506, W50715 closest, on Cardiff Canton depot. Undated, circa late 1970s. Stuart Mackay Collection.
29th May 1986
DMUs seen stabled at Chester on Thursday 29 May 1986 include a 2-car Class 120, a Met-Camm TSL, a Class 100 DTSL (presumably DB977191), and a Met-Camm TCL. David Russon.
Diagrams & Design Codes
Works Photographs
Numbering & Driving Inst.
Operations - Central Wales
Operations - LMR
Operations - Scotland 1958-81
Operations - Scotland 1986 on
Parcel Use
Details about the preserved Class 120 vehicle can be found here.