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14 April 1977

A Class 126 Swindon Inter-City set in Stranraer Harbour station on 14 April 1977. Alan Rintoul.


14th June 1981

A class 126 Dmu waits to depart Stranraer Harbour with a service to Glasgow Central on 14/6/81. Stephen Burdett.



Vehicle: 59807   Set: 107449

107449 (presumably 59807 and 52034) sits in Stranraer Harbour station in 1988. Andrew McConnell.


July 1977

Looking out from two Class 126 sets arriving at Stranraer Harbour on 9/7/77 with a service from Glasgow Central. David Christie.


8th June 1978

Vehicle: 51048   Set: 418

A six-car Class 126 formation awaits departure from Stranraer Harbour station with a 'Glasgow Boat Train' service on 8/6/78. David Christie.


8th June 1978

Vehicle: 51048   Set: 418

Two Class 126 sets wait to leave Stanraer Harbour station with a Glasgow Central service on 8/6/78. They would collect passengers from the Larne ferry which would arrive just to the left of the station. David Christie.


12th July 1962

Vehicle: 51045   

A six-car Swindon Inter-city formation departs from Stranraer Harbour with the 1.30pm Stranraer Harbour - Glasgow St. Enoch service on July 12, 1962. Many of the passengers will have disembarked from the ferry seen in the background on the left. Michael Mensing.


17th September 1981

Vehicle: 51025   Set: 126418

Two three-car Swindon Inter-City units with 51025 closest at Stranraer Harbour having just arrived from Glasgow on 17th September 1981. David Scott.


14th July 1976

A Class 126 DMU and 25 025 at Stranraer Harbour station on 14 July 1976. George Woods.


30th August 1981

Vehicle: 51787   

The 1981 BLS Scottish Tour was the Ayrshire Wanderer which ran in two parts. The Sunday tour (on 30 August, formed 51787 + 59685 + 51529) started and finished at Ayr and here we are as far as you can get at Stranraer harbour. The mileage men were all crammed into the front coach to get the last drop but Alan and I elected to forego the scrum and walk down to take our pics. Alistair Ness.


4th August 1973

Vehicle: 51050   Set: 120

A grubby SC51050 about to depart Stranraer Harbour station with the 1134 service to Glasgow Central. It had previously worked the Glasgow Central (dep 0830) to Stranraer (arr 1109). Robert Hope.


9th August 1973

Set: 115

A Class 126 DMU arrives into Stranraer Harbour stationon 9 August 1973 with the 17:25 ex-Glasgow Central. Set number 115 can just be seen in the left cab window, and the reading lamps on the luggage racks can also be seen. BRC&W type 2 5380 is on the left, it would become 27 102 then 27 046. Michael Mensing.


circa 1975

Vehicle: 51021   

Class 126 DMU Sc51021 seen at Stranraer Harbour. A classic Scottish DMU type - my train arrived at Stranraer Harbour station where we were to board the Sealink ferry 'Ailsa Princess' for a crossing to Larne in Northern Ireland. Taken circa 1975 with my basic Kodak Instamatic using 126 cartridge film. Chris McKee.


30th August 1981

Vehicle: 51787   

With the Ailsa Princess as a backdrop the BLS Ayr & Stranraer railtour on 30 August 1981 almost reaches the buffer stop at Stranraer Harbour. The tour ran from Ayr and was formed of 51787 + 59685 + 51529. John Horne Collection.


12th July 1963

Vehicle: 51014   

A Swindon Inter-City DMU is seen leaving Stranraer Harbour with the 12:30 to Glasgow St Enoch on 12 July 1963. It had worked in as the 9am ex-Glasgow. Michael Mensing.


2nd August 1976

Vehicle: 51050   

A Class 126 DMU in Stranraer Harbour station on 2 August 1976. The vehicle seems to be SC51050, its position on the platform suggests a nine-car formation, or vehicles parked on the line behind the DMU. The passengers heading away have likely either come off the train or the Larne ferry. Stuart Mackay Collection.


7th August 1981

Vehicle: 51033   Set: 126403

Class 126 DMU set 126403, SC51033 closest, in Stranraer Harbour station on 7 August 1981. The rear power car is SC51017. Image by Stuart Mackay Collection.


7th August 1981

Vehicle: 51017   

A Class 126 DMU in Stranraer Harbour station on 7 August 1981. SC51017 is closest, SC51033 is at the rear end. Image by Stuart Mackay Collection.


July 1970

A Swindon Inter-City DMU after arriving into Stranraer Harbour station sometime in July 1970. Most of the passengers will transfer to the boat on the left which will take them to Larne. Stuart Mackay Collection.


25th June 1973

Vehicle: 51034   Set: 104

A Class 126 DMU in Stranraer Harbour station forming the 13:39 to Glasgow Central on Monday 25 June 1973. DMBSL SC51034 is displaying set number 104 in the left cab window, and has a former set number painted over just above the right white circle. Stuart Mackay Collection.

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