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5th September 1984

Set: B429

Set B429 (presumably 51367 + 59519 + 51409) enters Teignmouth on the 5th September 1984. Taken by John Vaughan. Stuart Mackay Collection..


11th June 1988

Vehicle: 52054   Set: P955

Class 108 2-car DMU LA set P955 (52054+51933) on the sea wall at Teignmouth with the 09-15 Paignton - Exeter Central service on 11-6-88. On Tour With The Class 13 Army.


11th June 1988

Vehicle: 51179   Set: 69

A hybrid Class 101-108 2-car DMU with Metro Cammell DMBS 51179 leading, seen along the sea wall at Teignmouth with the 10:22 Exeter Central - Paignton service on 11-6-88. The Derby car was labelled TS201 and so could be 52057. On Tour With The Class 13 Army.


21st August 1976

Vehicle: 51575   Set: P554

The 8.01 to Exeter departs from Teignmouth on 21 August 1976, formed of Swindon Cross-Country set P554 (presumably 51575 + 51584) with a Class 116 centre car. Tom Burnham.


1st November 1985

Vehicle: 51303   Set: P461

The 14.27 Exeter – Paignton approaches Teignmouth on 1 November 1985 formed of class 118 set no P461 with DMBS 51303 leading (presumably with 59470 + 51318). Robert28194.


24th July 1979

Vehicle: 51578   Set: P557

A Swindon Cross-Country 3-Car Class 120 DMU formed of cars W51578, W59580 & W51587 was stood at Teignmouth with a Paignton to Exeter St Davids 'all stations' service on July 24th 1979. When this image was recorded the set was allocated to Plymouth Laira depot. The unit would move briefly to Cardiff Canton in 1980, but by 1982 was working in the North West working from Newton Heath. It remained there until 1986, when the set was transferred North of the Border to Ayr for its final stint of operation. The unit was scrapped in 1988. Martyn Hilbert.


24th July 1979

Vehicle: 51590   Set: P555

A three-car Swindon Cross-Country DMU was leading a six-car DMU formation at Teignmouth on an Exeter St Davids to Paignton service on July 24th 1979. Set No. P555 was formed of cars W51590, W59582 & W51576. The set was one of the Western Region 120's transferred to Newton Heath Depot in the early 1980's. The second set appears to be a DMBS/centre car from a 3-car with a bubble car on the rear. Martyn Hilbert.


circa summer 1991

Set: 829

Class 101 Met-Camm DMU set 829 at Teignmouth circa summer 1991. Bob Belcher.


circa summer 1991

Set: 954

Class 108 DMU set 954 at Teignmouth circa summer 1991. Bob Belcher.


circa summer 1991

Vehicle: 51184   Set: 832

Class 101/108 hybrid DMU set 832 - presumably with 51184 leading - is seen at Teignmouth circa summer 1991. Bob Belcher.


circa summer 1991

Set: 954

Class 108 DMU set 954 at Teignmouth circa summer 1991. Bob Belcher.


August 1975

Vehicle: 50090   Set: P322

Class 116 suburban unit P322 (presumably 50090 + 59352 + 50132) heads a six-coach train along the sea wall and into Teignmouth in August 1975. Passengers would have had a good view in return for the spartan conditions. Tony Watson.


10th June 1967

WIth Paignton on the destination blind a GRC&W single car leads a two-car Cross-Country set at Teignmouth on 10 June 1967. Stuart Mackay Collection.


25th August 1990

Vehicle: 52054   Set: 955

Class 108 DMU set 955 (52054 + 51933) approaching Teignmouth station off the sea wall on 25 August 1990. Keith Miller.


25th August 1990

Vehicle: 52057   

A Class 108 (52057) and Class 101 (51234) Hyrbrid DMU by the River Teign near Teignmouth on 25 August 1990. Keith Miller.


29th March 1972

Vehicle: 50900   Set: P354

An ex-Kingswear service passing along the Teignmouth sea wall on 29 March 1972. It's formed a Class 116 set P354, the power cars are presumably 50900 and 50847, they would be transferred to Cardiff very soon after. Stuart Mackay Collection.


15th June 1975

Vehicle: 51098   Set: P584

Class 119 DMU set P584, presumably 51098 + 59429 + 51070, with the 14:08 Exeter - Paignton service at Teignmouth on 15 June 1975. Stuart Mackay Collection.


Unknown Date

Vehicle: 51412   Set: B432

Class 117 DMU set B432, presumably 51412 + 59522 + 51370, at Teignmouth on an unknown date. Stuart Parkinson.


Unknown Date

Vehicle: 51376   Set: B436

Class 117 DMU set B436, presumably 51376 + 59500 + 51334, at Teignmouth on an unknown date. Stuart Parkinson.


May 1975

Vehicle: 51090   Set: P576

Class 119 DMU set P576 (presumably 51090 + 59421 + 51062) at Teignmouth in May 1975. Stuart Mackay Collection.

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