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53355 Class 100 is seen stabled at Tyseley on 27th September 1986. This was the last Class 100 left in service, and it is coupled to it's long time partner 53812 which was the last Class 105 in service. Both were sadly scrapped. Note the Manchester based Class 504 to the left, visiting the wheel lathe. Andy Cole.
53355 Class 100 is seen stabled at Tyseley carriage sidings on 11/10/86. It is coupled to Class 104 centre car 59153 and Class 105 DMS 53812. Andy Cole.
M53355 + M53812 form the 16:00 Manchester Victoria - Blackburn on 10 February 1987. It was normal practice at this time for three sets would come empty from NH together and be divided in the platform to work the 15:55 Wigan Wallgate, 16:00 Blackburn and probably the 16:10 Southport which would be the Class 104 behind. Harvey Scowcroft / Nigel Valentine Collection.
The Gloucester/Cravens twin on Chester MPD, 53355 + 53812 in April 1987, with a row of 108s on the left. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.
53355 + 53812 rests on Chester depot, Sunday 28th June 1987. AndrewHA.
Entrusted to working the days Stockport-Stalybridge shuttle services, standing in Stockport's platform 3a is a hybrid unit that had a bit of a following around the Manchester area, it comprised of a 1957 Gloucester built class 100 DMBS (M53355) and 1958 built Cravens class 105 DMCL (M53812), both cars were asbestos free which was the reason they were the last of their class in service, they were withdrawn towards the end of 1988, its nice to see that the destination blind is set correctly, a month later this blind had disappeared. 9th January 1988. Andrew J Crowther.
The unique Gloucester/Cravens twin set formed of cars M53355 & M53812 was climbing the gradient from Farington Curve Junction and heading towards the site of the former Moss Lane Junction with the 13.09 Preston to Ormskirk service on January 27th 1988. The disused former Up Line towards Ormskirk was still in-situ having being taken out of use in 1983. Martyn Hilbert.
Standing in Manchester Piccadilly's platform 3 on the 20th February 1988 is a hybrid unit that had a bit of a following around the Manchester area. It comprised of 1957 Gloucester built Class 100 DMBS (M53355) and 1958 built Cravens Class 105 DMCL (M53812). Both cars were asbestos free which was the reason they were the last of their class in service, they were withdrawn towards the end of 1988. Andrew J Crowther.
Hybrid class 100/105 M53355 + M53812 on Newton Heath Depot on 27 March 1988. terry eyres.
53355 and 53812 labelled N699, are seen at Stalybridge on the 11:xx shuttle to Stockport, 18th June 1988. Gazza Prescott.
The cab of 53355 seen at Carnforth on 23/7/88. On the left is 54085. The train is the 09.52 Preston - Barrow. Leonard Rogers.
Class 100 Gloucester DMBS 53355 + Class 105 Cravens DMCL 53812 twin stored in Crewe carriage shed sidings 22-7-89ish. The set was stored at this time pending preservation by the NRM but was vandalised and not thought worth saving. A fraction of Class 104 DMCL 53500 is seen on the left, this car stored 31/3/89 and withdrawn 17/5/89. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.
Gloucester Class 100 DMBS M53355 and Cravens Class 105 DTS M53812 await their final journey to the scrap yard in the sidings south of Crewe Carriage shed. The date of the photo is either 18th or 19th July 1990. Paul James.
Carrying the set number N699 on its cab end, Gloucester Class 100 DMBS M53355 along with Cravens Class 105 M53812 await their final journey to the scrap yard in the sidings south of Crewe Carriage shed. The date of the photo is either 18th or 19th July 1990. Paul James.
M53355 + M53812 with the Class 31 that has just brought them into Derby on 30 August 1990. There were also two Class 104 DMSs in the formation, M53500 (partly seen, note how its jumpers are connected to the Class 100) and M53518. The description with the negative notes they came from Newton Heath, the vehicles had been stored at Crewe Carriage Shed Sidings. They would all end up at Vic Berry's. Stuart Mackay Collection.
53355 at Vic Berrys, Leicester, 24/10/90. Ian Francis.
53355 seen at Vic Berrys yard at Leicester on 24/10/90 with 53812. The 104s behind are likely 53500 and 53518. Ian Francis.
M53355 Vic Berrys, Leicester 11-11-90. Kevin Dowd.
M53355 Vic Berrys, Leicester. Unsuccessful attempts were made to save N699. 11-11-90. Kevin Dowd.
M53355 Vic Berrys, Leicester 11-11-90. Kevin Dowd.