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Norwich Set 67 51187 and 54332 at Ely North Junction with 14.10 Cambridge to Kings Lynn on 4tn April 1988. Nicholas Youngman.
Class 101 51187+54332 approaching Norwich on the 5th October 1988. Kevin Law.
Class 101 set 67 (presumably 51187 + 54332) seen in Cambridge station on the 7th August 1989. Mike Cooper.
Met-Camm DMU set 67 departs from Wroxham station with a Norwich - Sheringham service. Undated, the condition of DMBS 51187 suggests circa early 1990. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Met-Camm set 67 (51187 + 54332) seen near Ely on March 21, 1991. Nicholas Youngman.
Norwich Class 101 set 68 with the 09:50 Norwich - Lowestoft arrives at Lowestoft (at 10:36) on Wednesday 26th October 1988. Colin Brooks.
A Met-Camm set at Cambridge, circa 1989. The DMBS is noted as 53293, the DTSL closest is presumably 54379. Stuart Mackay Collection.
A 2 car Met-Camm DMU leaves Cambridge for Ipswich on 4 March 1989. The DTSL closest is presumably 54379. Robert28194.
Set 68 E53293 + E54065 with 2E07 Ipswich to Peterborough at Ely on 5th August 1989. Nicholas Youngman.
E54065 at Ely North Junction with the 13.08 Peterborough to Cambridge on 05.08.89. Nicholas Youngman.
Carrying an unusually small BR logo, 53293 is seen at Oulton Broad North on 31 March 1990. Nigel Menzies.
Norwich Set 68, E54065 closest, at Cambridge circa 1991 with a Cambridge - Ipswich Service. Nigel Walls.
A two car class 101 DMU leaves Wainfleet for Skegness on 1 April 1991, with DMBS 53293 trailing. Robert28194.
Class 101 DMU set 68 (53293 + 54065) at Ely on 14 September 1991. Sparegang.
Met-Camm Class 101 set 69 (presumably 54358 + 51179) with a 14XX Cambridge - Bishops Stortford service arriving at Stansted on Thursday 20th November 1986. Colin Brooks.
Norwich set 69 54358 + 51179 with 11.55 Ely to Norwich at Ely North Junction on January 25, 1987. Nicholas Youngman.
51179 Class 101 Metro-Cammell DMU alongside a Class 121 Pressed Steel car at Old Oak Common, circa 1988. Chris McKee.
A hybrid Class 101-108 2-car DMU with Metro Cammell DMBS 51179 leading, seen along the sea wall at Teignmouth with the 10:22 Exeter Central - Paignton service on 11-6-88. The Derby car was labelled TS201 and so could be 52057. On Tour With The Class 13 Army.
Class 101 set 692 (53253 + 53170) in its unique Corkerhill version of 'Calendonian Blue' livery with red and yellow stripes, arriving at Glasgow Central on 16th June 1998 David Slack.
Norwich based 2 car Metro-Cammell set 70 (53202, 54388) is seen approaching Brundall, which it's staggered platforms, with a Great Yarmouth - Norwich service, 8th August 1988. Andrew J Crowther.
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