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Two two-car Class 108 DMUs in Liverpool Exchange station on 11 May 1974 with M51926 closest. Alistair Ness.
M51926 (with M52037 behind) faces another Class 108 painted in refurbished livery at Longsight on the 31st December 1980. Malcolm Clements.
Class 108 set S939 (51926 leads, presumably with 53631) at Shrewsbury on July 1, 1989. John Carter.
Class 108 51926 is seen arriving at Crewe on 18.06.1990 while carrying BR blue and grey livery. Andy Cole.
Swansea allocated Class 108 DMU set S939 (51926 + 53631) departing Shrewsbury on 3 April 1991. Phil Bevan.
Passengers detrain at Bury Knowsley Street on 23 August 1970. Closest is M51927 which was allocated to Allerton at the time. Harvey Scowcroft / Nigel Valentine Collection.
Derby class 108 3 car DMU, set BX490 (presumably 51927 + 59390 + 52049), waits for departure time in Platform 2 in Buxton station. 18th June 1985. John Crooks.
With the blind already set for the return journey, Buxton "White Roofed" allocated Derby built 1960 class 108 dmu BX490 (M51927 + M59390 + M52049) rolls into Manchester Piccadilly, with a service from Buxton on 31st August 1985. Andrew J Crowther.
Buxton "White Roofed" allocated Derby built 1960 class 108 dmu BX490 (M51927 + M59390 + M52049) is seen climbing up through Bridgemont with a Manchester Piccadilly-Buxton service, the Furness Vale distance signal can be seen behind the train. 29th November 1985. Andrew J Crowther.
An 8-car formation at Helsby working the 10.07 Llandudno-Manchester Victoria. The formation (closest the camera first) was 51927, 59390, 52049, 53634, 59387, 51934, 51574 & 51580. 9/8/86. Anthony Griffiths.
Class 108 DMBS M51927 of set BX490 sits in Buxton station circa February 1987. Brian Ward.
45141 hauls a rake of DMU's (including 51927 & 51941) from Tyseley past Saltley, 12.05.1987. Andy Cole.
Class 108 51927 is seen stabled at Tyseley on 20.06.1987. It had been transferred in from Buxton, the tell tale sign being the white cab roof. Andy Cole.
Derby built 1960 Class 108 DMBS M51927, is high on the jacks inside its home depot on the occasion of the Tyseley open day on 4th October 1987. Once a Buxton allocated unit with its trade mark white roof and on the 108's black window surround, now Tyseley's unit T212 with its West Midlands logo but interesting the Buxton BX490 set plate is still displayed in the window. Andrew J Crowther.
Hybrid Class 108/108/101 unit LO349 (51927 + 59388 + 51496) at Manchester Piccadilly, 9/5/90. Sparegang.
Class 108/101 hybrid set CH353 with two DMBS vehicles (presumably 51927 + 59388 + 53291) is seen at Abergele, Wales, on 17/07/1990. Graeme Phillips Collection.
Two-car Class 108 DMU set CH625 - probably with 51927 closest - is seen at Weston Rhyn on 12 October 1990. George Woods.
A hybrid three-car DMU with Class 108 Driving Motor Brake Second (DMBS) M51928 leading, had a Class 101 Trailer Car (presumably 59530) inserted between it and the rear Class 108 car (presumably 52044), forming a well-filled Blackpool North to Manchester Victoria service at Leyland on May 23rd 1986. Martyn Hilbert.
With evening commuters heading for home, a four-car Class 108 DMU was stood on the Up Fast at Leyland station with a Blackpool North to Manchester Victoria service on May 23rd 1986. The rear set (closest) was formed of cars M51928 & M52043. Martyn Hilbert.
A two-car DMU - which seems to be set S942 (presumably 51928 closest) - arriving at Whitland circa summer 1988. Brian Ward.