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Hybrid BR (Swindon) "Trans Pennine" Standard Mk.I Class "124" 4-car dmu which include former cars from BR (Swindon) Inter City Class 123 dmu's. The set is made up of E52092, E59768, E59821, E52097 and is seen arriving into Manchester Piccadilly, 8/82. Hugh Llewelyn.
Hybrid BR (Swindon) "Trans Pennine" Standard Mk.I Class "124" 4-car dmu which include former cars from BR (Swindon) Inter City Class 123 dmu's. The set is made of Nos.E52097 (IC 123/1), E59821 (IC 183), E59768 (TP 180), E52092 (IC 123/2) with plated-up headcodes and front gangway doors in BR Inter City Rail Blue & Grey livery and all yellow front ends awaiting departure at Manchester (Piccadilly) on a Stalybridge - Huddersfield - Leeds (City) service, Hugh Llewelyn.
Hybrid BR (Swindon) "Trans Pennine" Standard Mk.I Class "124" 4-car dmu which include former cars from BR (Swindon) Inter City Class 123 dmu's. The set is made of Nos. E52089 (IC 123/2), E59826 (IC 183), E59773 (TP 180), E52103 (IC 123/1) with plated-up headcodes and front gangway doors in BR Inter City Rail Blue & Grey livery and all yellow front ends departing Manchester (Piccadilly) on a service to Stalybridge - Huddersfield - Leeds (City), 08/82. Hugh Llewelyn.
Hybrid BR (Swindon) Trans Pennine Standard Mk.I Class 124 4-car dmu which include former cars from BR (Swindon) Inter City Class 123 dmu's. The set is made of E52089, E59826, E59773, E52103 with plated-up headcodes and front gangway doors in BR Inter City Rail Blue & Grey livery and all yellow front ends awaiting departure at Manchester (Piccadilly) on a service to Stalybridge - Huddersfield - Leeds (City), 08/82. Hugh Llewelyn.
A Swindon Inter-City set in the old Green Eyre platform at Lancaster Castle on the 19th August 1982, formed E52100, E59766, E59836 and E51952. Robert Frise.
E52103, E59773, E59826 and E52089 are seen in the old Green Eyre platform at Lancaster Castle on the 19th August 1982. Robert Frise.
E52089, E59826, E59773 and E52103 in the old Green Eyre platform at Lancaster Castle on the 19th August 1982. Robert Frise.
E52090 + E59819 + E59838 + E52096 at Morecambe Promenade after an arrival from Leeds on 27 August 1982. Robert Frise.
A mixed Class 123/124 Trans-Pennine formation arrives into Skipton station on 11 September 1982. The Class 123 DMBSL leading is thought to be E52090. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Class 123 DMBS no. E52090 looked to be recently ex-works when seen at the rear of a 4-car formation departing Lancaster on 11/09/1982, presumably on a Leeds service. In their final years, these Inter-City units were transferred to the Eastern Region to join the similar Class 124 Trans-Pennine units, making up mixed formations on services connecting Hull, Doncaster, Sheffield and Manchester. Class 31/4s took over these services from May 1984, leading to the mass withdrawal of all Class 123 / 124 vehicles - none survived. Graeme Phillips Collection.
Class 123 DMSK 52098 at TE on 12/9/82. Jerry Glover.
A Swindon 4-car DMU with Class 123 52105 leading running through New Mills Central on 18-9-82. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.
E52100 is the leading vehicle as a Trans-Pennine service sets off from Hull Paragon on 30 September 1982. Syd Young.
A Class 123/4 hybrid DMU seen at Bell Busk in October 1982. George Woods.
A 4-car Trans-Pennine set, with Swindon Inter City E52104 closest, sits under the roof at Paragon Station on 6th October 1982. Syd Young.
E52091 heads a four-car Class 123/124 DMU in Manchester Piccadilly with the 13:45 Manchester - Hull service on 21 October 1982. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Manchester Piccadilly, a Class 506, Class 100 DMU 50353, Swindon Class 123 DMU car 52100 23-10-82. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.
Class 123 Swindon 4-car DMU DMBS 52087 leading, 2-car Met Cam on the back, Doncaster 23-10-82. On Tour With the Class 13 Army.
A Swindon DMU with Class 123 E52102 closest in Manchester Piccadilly on 11 November 1982. Stuart Parkinson.
A Class 123 seen at Marple on 27 November 1982. Stuart Parkinson.