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357. STANDARD UNITS OF 57' STOCK. (Contd.)

(d)  Seating arrangements.

Noted that B.T.C. have supplied drawing A.11310/A showing revised seat lay out proposed by Birmingham Carriage & Wagon Company for the Birmingham (Part 1) and Manchester (Part 1) schemes. This reduces the internal length of the first class compartment by 3 3/4" as compared with the previous proposal (drawing DE.2195.A), thereby reducing the leg room for passengers occupying the facing seats. It was agreed the matter be referred back to the B.T.C. and also the question raised as to the possibility of space being allowed for the feet of passengers occupying the front seats.

(e)  Speed time curves.

Mr.Gould reported that the necessary co-operation has been arranged between the departments concerned and the matter is now on a satisfactory basis.

(f)  Maximum carrying capacity.

The Chairman said that this question has been put to the B.T.C.  Mr.Stanley stated that the frame of one unit has been stiffened and is being tested to ascertain what amount of additional carrying capacity can be obtained.

(g)  Outside colours.

Mr.Stanley stated that the buffer beams of all the West Cumberland diesel vehicles are now being painted red, with beneficial results. The Chairman said the B.T.C. would be advised of what we are doing and given the reasons for the decision.

(h)  Dust Coats for Drivers.

Noted that R.S.C. Minute No.2 of 15.8.55. recommends the issue of a special type of garment such as a dust coat for drivers of diesel light weight trains.

Mr.Adkinson pointed out that at the present time all drivers covered both steam and diesel workings, and Mr.Larkin suggested the issue could be implemented when the drivers are 100% on diesel units.

(i)  Coupling of Units.

Noted - that the B.T.C. have confirmed that the coupling and control units on the Derby and contractor built vehicles will be standardised to facilitate the various units being coupled together.