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3.  Allocation of units being built at Derby and by Contractors  (Contd.)

(b)  Re-allocation of nine 2-car sets from L.M. to Scottish Region.
Mr.Gould referred to the nine Park Royal units allocated to the Scottish Region which are to be replaced by nine units from the Gloucester Carriage & Wagon Company.  Park Royal are six months in arrears with delivery and as the Scottish Region are urgently requiring the units, it was agreed that nine Gloucester units be transferred to Scotland, which will result in the introduction of part of the Birmingham Part 2 scheme being postponed until about April 1958.

(c)  Number of units in operation.
Noted that the following number of diesel sets are now in operation on all regions :-

London Midland 130
Eastern 104
North Eastern 160
Scottish 31
Western 90

Total 515

4.  Periodical return of units in operation

Noted that further consideration has been given to this question and no further action is necessary at the present time.

5.  Dieselisation costings

(a)  Half yearly return of costs of operation.
Noted that a meeting has been held with the B.T.C. regarding revision of this return and matter is still under consideration

(b)  Request from C.T.C.C. for charts showing operating costs and receipts for schemes in operation.  New line graphs considered and it was felt by some members that the original graphs in block column form may be more appropriate than the line graphs.  Noted that the General Managers have the question of the request from the C.T.C.C. in hand with the B.T.C.  If information is to be given to C.T.C.C. form of graph will require to be decided.