Mr.Baker reported that the material for the modification of the six 4-car sets on the Manchester (Central) - Liverpool (Central) service had not been received and was not now expected until the beginning of January, 1961. The C.M.& E.E. was in contact with the manufacturers and the assistance of the management would be requested if required.
Revised schedule of allocation attached as Appendix "B".
Withdrawal of passenger service - Noted that staff consultation being arranged.
Noted that proposal for the withdrawal of the passenger service would shortly be submitted to the General Manager.
Minutes of Meeting of Sub-Committees held on October 25th, 1960
Noted that one 4-car unit would be introduced in steam timings on the Marylebone/Aylesbury/High Wycombe services on January 16th, 1961.
Noted that progress on the new shed was satisfactory, the C.C.E. work being 44% complete.
Mr.Salmon reported that a meeting had been held with the North Eastern Region and arrangements had been agreed for full publicity by posters, press advertising etc. The Lord Mayors of Manchester and Liverpool were to be invited to the inaugural runs on December 29th and so far as the London Midland Region is concerned, the detailed arrangements for the runs were in the hands of the Divisional Traffic Managers concerned.