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Vehicle: 977177
Originally 55015 but by this time numbered TDB977177, however in this 4/11/83 view at Glasgow Queen St it seems to only carry the number '1'! Hamish Stevenson.
Vehicle: 53625 Set: C922
The 13:43 Treherbert - Cardiff Central approaches Cardiff Queen Street, Saturday 18th July 1987. It is formed of C922, led by W53625 and has a Class 101 TC center car (presumably 59561). PJ Evans.
Vehicle: 52045 Set: C922
C922 (presumably 52045 + 59561 + 53625) leaving Cardiff Queen Street on the 14:49 Cardiff Central - Coryton, 18/7/87. PJ Evans.
Vehicle: 53224 Set: C900
W53224 of C900, which was a 3-car hybrid set comprising three different classes - 101 (53224), 110 (59709), and 108 (52048). At Cardiff Queen St, 19/12/87. Mac Winfield.
Vehicle: 51133 Set: C391
Ex-West Midland cars 51133/51136 (two DMBSs) posing as C391 at Queen St 6/1/90. The real C391 had temporarily been renumbered in the C90x series as a three car Go-Faster set. Mac Winfield.
Vehicle: 51999 Set: 107738
107 738 (presumably 51999 + 59796 + 52030) is seen departing from Glasgow Queen Street. Undated. Andrew McConnell.
Vehicle: 53658 Set: 532
Class 120 set 532 (with a Met-Camm centre car) is seen at Glasgow Queen St. The DMS (presumed to be 53658) is displaying both a white & red marker light! Circa 1987. Andrew McConnell.
Vehicle: 51322 Set: C465
150 265 and C465 W51322 at Cardiff Queen Street on 19/12/87. Mac Winfield.
Vehicle: 51307 Set: C465
W51307 with Valley Train embellishments at Cardiff Queen Street, 19/12/87. The other vehicle is presumably 51322. Mac Winfield.
Vehicle: 51312 Set: C480
C480 (51312/51327) was returned to CF after a short spell a HT minus it’s Valley Train adornments, they were put back on (one end only) later by Canton staff. Cardiff Queen Street, 29/8/89. Mac Winfield.
Vehicle: 53153 Set: 348
Set 348 is seen in Glasgow Queen Street. E53153 appears to be the DMBS, it was transferred from Heaton to Eastfield in April 1986. Undated. Andrew McConnell.
Vehicle: 51316 Set: T318
Class 118 51316 of T318 visits Cardiff Queen St (presumably with 59483 + 51331), a Saturday Tyseley hiring. 19/12/87. Mac Winfield.
Vehicle: 55033 Set: C133
Bubble C133 W55033 at Cardiff Queen Street, circa 1984. W51128 on the left. Nicky Reason.
Vehicle: 55033 Set: C133
55033 running into Cardiff Queen Street, circa 1984. Nicky Reason.
Vehicle: 52015 Set: 107745
107 745 (presumably 52015 + 59801 + 52006) seen at Glasgow Queen Street. Undated, circa 1989. Andrew McConnell.
Vehicle: 51224 Set: 101304
101 304 is seen at Glasgow Queen Street. Undated, 51224 closest. Andrew McConnell.
Vehicle: 51315 Set: C472
Class 118 Go Faster Set C472 shows Class 108 W51416 tucked in behind 51315 at Queen St. on 6/1/90. Mac Winfield.
Vehicle: 51537 Set: 101340
101340 reaches it's destination of Glasgow Queen Street and a platform already containing another Met-Camm set. Undated, probably 51537 closest. Andrew McConnell.
Vehicle: 59524
59524 seen in Glasgow Queen Street on an unknown date. Andrew McConnell.
Vehicle: 51361 Set: L723
Set L723 is formed with two DMBSs (presumably 51361 + 51344), and it's NSE livery must have been an unusual sight in Cardiff Queen Street. Undated, circa September 1994 when the pair were loaned to Cardiff for driver training. Tom Clift.
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