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(1)  Employment of three rail buses on L.M.Region (Contd.)

The Chairman said that the question would eventually arise as to the advisability or otherwise of the Commission investing in more of these rail buses and it would be necessary for the economics of the introduction of the rail buses in the Bedford area to be produced.  It was felt that the rail bus service would need to be in operation for 12 months before a fair report on the financial aspects could be prepared and Mr.Dow would so arrange in conjunction with Mr.Nicholls.

It was stated that, although grab handles were fitted to the seats in the rail buses, hand holds suspended from the roofs were desirable, and Mr.Stanley would supply an estimate of the cost of fitting hand holds of the "ball type" similar to those fitted to L.T.E. stock.

(2)  Banbury-Buckingham Scheme

Noted that the case for the withdrawal of the passenger service for submission to the T.U.C.C. concerned was almost completed and should be cleared by the next meeting.


Liverpool, Manchester, Huddersfield, Leeds and Hull scheme (L.N.W. route)

(a) Operating arrangements - Noted that a further meeting was to be held on September 25th with the N.E.Region to agree final timetable arrangements.  Mr.Reynolds would give progress report at the next meeting.

(b) Production of vehicles - Noted that a further meeting between representatives of the Commission, L.M., N.E. and W. Regions had been held on August 26th at which the design of the 51 vehicles had been agreed.  Motored vehicles to be fitted with 230 H.P. B.U.T. engines.  To meet requirements for services to commence in June, 1960, necessary for production to commence in January, 1960, and completed by end of May, 1960.  To allow for ordering of equipment and materials, essential that financial authority be given not later than the end of October, 1958, and General Manager of the N.E.Region would arrange to seek authority in accordance with this requirement.

Mr.Nicholls stated that Accountant's representatives of L.M. and N.E. Regions had been invited to the meeting of operating representatives on September 25th to discuss the financial assessment of the scheme but so far as he was aware the basic information necessary for a costing was not yet available, and in these circumstances it would not be possible to prepare a financial assessment as early as was suggested.