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Class 105/6 Cravens 2 & 3-car DMUs

Operations - Batch Four

ER power trailer sets - DMBSs 51471/2 & 56460/1

The two ER sets went to Lincoln, to join the batch three vehicles there.

ScR power trailer sets - DMBSs 51473 - 94 DTCs 56462 - 83

The twenty-two Scottish sets would initially operate in the Hamilton and Glasgow areas, eventually spreading at times to Dundee and Edinburgh. More details on the Scottish Region page.

They would start to move south in 1974 with all the DTCs being in England by July 1977, on that date there was one on London Midland Region at Newton Heath, the remainder were on the Eastern Region (at South Gosforth, Norwich, Stratford and Hull Botanic Gardens).

Blue Class 105 Cravens DMU in Ipswich station

The DMBSs would remain in Scotland until the end of 1981, by which time the majotity had been withdrawn but two were on the Eastern Region (at Norwich) and one on the LMR at Tyseley. At the start of the same month (December 1981) the DTCs were on the Eastern Region (ten, at Norwich, Heaton, Lincoln and Hull) while the LMR had three (Longsight, Newton Heath and Bletchley).

In the image is former Scottish DMBS 51493 at Ipswich bound for Colchester on July 7th, 1981. In Scotland it had been based at Kittybrewster, Hamilton, Leith Central and Dundee. It moved to the Eastern Region in April 1977, first to South Gosforth, then Heaton, then Norwich. It would return to Scotland and spend its last year at Ayr. Bruce Galloway.

Single vehicle DMBS 50249

The single vehicle in batch five - 50249 - was delivered to 51A (Darlington) in September 1959. It would moved to Cambridge in August 1967, and Norwich in May 1970 from where it was withdrawn in April 1978 after a period in store.