(3) Manchester Part 4 - Traffic portion of submission complete, and it was anticipated the scheme would be with the Accountant by June 20th and the final submission sent to the General Manager a few days later.
(4) Manchester Part 6 - Traffic portion of submission complete. Mr. Martin explained the position regarding maintenance facilities and stated he would make every endeavour to bring the proposals to completion with the object of a complete submission being put to the August meeting of the Area Board.
The general position in regard to other schemes still to be submitted was considered and the present position noted as follows:-
Derby Mid. - Sheffield Mid. Nottingham - Mansfield - Worksop Rugby - Peterborough ) Leicester - Peterborough ) Nottingham - Grantham - Derby F. |
) Mr.Gray explained that the ) Eastern Region were concerned ) with those schemes and that ) difficulties had arisen which ) had delayed the investigations. ) These difficulties had now been ) resolved and the submissions ) were proceeding satisfactorily ) and as a matter of urgency |
Nottingham Vic. - Marylebone - Advisability of proceeding with diesel engine scheme considered and agreed that as there would be financial saving compared with steam operation the diesel scheme be proceeded with forthwith, it being appreciated that the timetable for diesel operation might ultimately require revision in the light of the future of this line.
Nottingham - Leicester - St.Pancras - It was generally considered that this would be the most profitable and should be given priority over the Nottingham - Marylebone scheme. The Chairman pressed for an early submission.
Marylebone Suburban Parcels - Scheme proceeding satisfactorily
Broad Street - Tring - " " "
Birmingham - Walsall (via Penns) - Agreed scheme should take normal course.
Birmingham - Worcester - Agreed scheme should take normal course.
Manchester Part 7 - Noted that this scheme involved the future of the line between Chinley and Dore & Totley. Agreed preparation of scheme should proceed but must include economics of the potential of the passenger service on the line as a whole, in view of doubts expressed recently in some quarters.
Skipton - Lancaster - Morecambe - Noted that preparation of scheme proceeding and Mr. Taylor would quickly pursue the requirements for maintenance facilities at Carnforth.