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DMU Operations: Western Region

Bristol-Severn Beach

When the DMUs were introduced Severn Beach was a through station with some services running through to Pilning Low Level.

Severn Beach route map 1960

The through services ceased in November 1964[1].

The line has long been associated with single car units, but many other types allocated to Bristol could also be found working the services.

In the early timetables few services were noted as second class only so these would not have been "bubble cars".

Sample Timetables

I haven't come across any individual timetables for the line from the early years, just a combined volume of Bristol area services.

15th June to 11th September, 1959

Bristol area timetable June 1959

2nd November, 1959 to 12th June, 1960

Bristol area timetable November 1959

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12th September, 1960 to 11th June, 1961

Bristol area timetable September 1960

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12th June to 10 September, 1961

Bristol area timetable June 1961

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10th September, 1962 to 16th June, 1963

Bristol area timetable September 1962

If you have any further publicity material from the line that could be added here please get in touch.


Class 116 DMU at Bristol Temple Meads

Unknown date

A Derby suburban triple DMU (from the third batch 511xx series) departs from Bristol Temple Meads with a Severn Beach service, date unknown. Stuart Mackay Collection.

Class 119 DMU at Cross Hands Halt

28th September 1959

The 11.35am Severn Beach to Bristol Temple Meads service on 28th September 1959 is seen arriving at Cross Hands Halt worked by a GRC&W Cross-Country DMU, DMBC W51066 leading. Michael Mensing.

Class 119 DMU at New Passage

28th September 1959

A Gloucester RC&W Cross-Country DMU with Pilning on the destination blind in New Passage station with the 1.05pm Bristol Temple Meads - Severn Beach service on 28 September 1959. Michael Mensing.

Class 116 DMU at Severn Beach

28th September 1959

A Derby suburban triple DMU (with DMS W51145 closest) in Severn Beach station on 28 September 1959. It had arrived on the 2.12pm ex-Bristol via Pilning and would return on the 3.00pm via Clifton. Michael Mensing.

Class 116 DMU at Severn Beach

Unknown date

A Derby suburban triple DMU in Severn Beach station with an Avonmouth to Bristol via Pilning service, date unknown. Stuart Mackay Collection.

Class 119 DMU at Severn Beach

circa March 1971

A Class 119 DMU in Severn Beach station. The slide process date was March 1971. Stuart Mackay Collection.

Class 121 DMU at Severn Beach

16th August 1972

Severn Beach station on August 16 1972, and a diesel railcar (W55032, set no B132) awaits departure with the 16.08 to Bristol Temple Meads. It looks as if the GWR-style nameboard has just been removed, but some GWR platform benches survive. Tom Burnham.

Class 121 DMU at Bristol Temple Meads

16th August 1972

Railcar W55032 (set B132) awaits departure from Bristol Temple Meads on 16 August 1972 with the 15.18 to Severn Beach. Tom Burnham.

Class 119 DMU at Montpelier

circa April 1973

Class 119 DMU set B573 (presumably 51055 + 59417 + 51083) departs from Montpelier station with a Severn Beach - Bristol service. The slide process date was April 1973. Stuart Mackay Collection.

Class 121 DMU at Sea Mills


A dmu (possibly a Class 121) arrives at Sea Mills on the Severn Beach Branch 1974. Alan Dinmore photographs a Severn Beach to Bristol TM service arriving at Sea Mills - image courtesy of Ian Dinmore/

Class 121 DMU at Stapleton Road

26th May 1975

Class 121 "bubble" W55035 seen at Stapleton Road with the 15:13 Bristol Temple Meads-Severn Beach service on 26 May 1975. Robert Thomas.

Class 121 DMU at Severn Beach

16th June 1976

Pressed Steel 'Bubble car' railcar No W55032 (Set B132) at Severn Beach on Wednesday 16 June 1976. I used to call these 1-DOOMs as I thought any branch that was worked by these was 'doomed'. Fortunately that proved not to be the case for this particular branch. Mr Deltic.

Class 121 DMU at Severn Beach

28th July 1976

Taken with my first camera 55034 is seen at Severn Beach on the 28th July 1976. Ian Buck.

Class 121 DMU at Severn Beach

November 1976

Class 121 W55033 in Severn Beach station in November 1976. Tony Watson.

Class 121 DMU at Severn Beach

Unknown date

A Class 121 in Severn Beach station. Undated, probably late 1970s. Stuart Mackay Collection.

Class 121 DMU at Avonmouth

Unknown date

On a day in the late 1970s 55032 arrives at Avonmouth. Ian Buck.

Class 121 DMU at Clifton Down

25th October 1978

W55033 at Clifton Down station, 25th October 1978. Tiptree Jon.

Class 101 DMU at Severn Beach

Unknown date

Class 101 set B801 (presumably 51517 + 59547 + 51446) is seen in Severn Beach station. Date unknown, possibly 1978 or 1979. John Law.

Class 121 DMU at Bristol Temple Meads

13th January 1979

Class 121 "bubble car" W55033 arrives at Bristol Temple Meads at the end of its journey from Severn Beach on 13 January 1979. Nicholas T Smith.

Class 119 DMU at Severn Beach

1st May 1979

Class 119 set B573 (W51083 + W59417 + W51055) at Severn Beach on 1 May 1979. Some students were conducting a passenger survey that evening and when they got to us asked "do you live on the beach"? Quick as a flash my friend Alan replied "no, I live in a house". My how we laughed. I don't think the poor lad knew what to make of that, nor our reason for travel and departing again on the same train, as it didn't fit neatly into any of his survey tick boxes!!! He avoided us on the journey back to Bristol. Alistair Ness.


  1. "History" - Severn Beach Railway Station, Wikipedia, accessed 15 August 2021