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2. 1961 Diesel Multiple Unit Building Programme

Noted that in connection with requirements for 2-car sets comprising two motor cars, the Chief Mechanical Engineer, British Railways' Central Staff, had stated that the indications were that with a light type of 57 ft. car the operation of the single engine on one bogie gave insufficient wheel adhesion, and, therefore, it was the opinion that the 2-car 57 ft. sets, where extra power is required, should comprise two motor vehicles each equipped with 150 H.P. engines.  Mr. Harrison had stated that provision was being made for this in the submission going to the Commission for the additional cars for the 1961 building programme.

Mr. Reynolds stated that he had discussed this with Mr. Robson, who was in agreement.

3.  Allocation of units being built at Derby and by Contractors

Revised schedule of allocation attached as Appendix "B".


1.  Buckingham-Banbury Services

Mr.Johnson reported that the question of a subsidy for bus services was now being pursued by the Divisional Traffic Manager, Birmingham, at the request of the General Manager.

2.  Bedford-Hitchin-Northampton service

Noted that the scheme for the withdrawal of the Bedford-Northampton passenger service would be submitted shortly.

The scheme for the withdrawal of the passenger service on the Bedford-Hitchin Line was nearing completion, the question of the parcels traffic was still under consideration.


Minutes of meetings of Sub-Committee
held on March 29th, 1960

Noted with the following comments:-

Min.810 - Holyhead

Noted that proposals now submitted to the General Manager.

Min.811 - Diesel Locomotives for the Midland Lines

Mr.Reynolds stated that, although the working party report had not yet been accepted, it would be in order to proceed with the preparation of schemes for the maintenance depots for the dieselisation of the Midland Lines, and he emphasised the need for the prompt submission of schemes.

Min.813 - Cricklewood

Mr.Martin said that the position regarding the diesel lcomotive portion of the shed was as stated in the Minute, and he saw no reason why the position as given should not be maintained.  Mr. Baker stated that tenders for the cranes had been invited, but the order had not yet been placed.  The Chairman stated that he would like Mr. Martin to investigate