Full service commenced July 4th, 1960.
It was noted that the timekeeping of the trains during the first three days had been excellent and the numbers of passengers carried on the Manchester - London runs very satisfactory. The loadings on the London - Leicester runs were very light and in this connection the question of further advertising was under consideration.
Mr. Lawrence said that a large number of requests had been received for a London - Manchester run. A suggestion had also been made for the use of the trains for special journeys e.g. Grand National and he had these points under consideration.
Mr. Stanley reported that a complaint had been received from a passenger regarding "rolling" of one of the motor cars and arrangements had been made for alterations to be made to the buffing gear which would, to a great extent, eradicate the rolling. Apart from this, only a few very minor technical difficulties had arisen.
(Not relevant for this website)
11.0.am. Wednesday, August 10th, 1960 in Room 138.