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circa mid-1980s
Met-Camm DMU set 76, E51252 leading, Ely on blind, location unknown, circa mid-1980s. Stuart Mackay Collection.
10th June 1978
Two three-car Class 101 DMUs in Exeter St Davids on 10 June 1978, the closest being Tyseley's TS410, 50313 and presumably 59125 + 50331. Stuart Mackay Collection.
circa 1971
The driver of a Metro-Cammell 2 car set is leaning out of his cab to take the token from the signalman who holds it ready. The exchange is being made at Machynlleth station with a Shrewsbury - Aberystwyth train. To the far left of the scene the goods yard has a number of 4 wheeled vans in the sidings. I would guess the date at around 1971.
Peter cut this 6x6 cm neg down because of damage in the sky thus losing the top of the telegraph pole, if only he could have foretold the arrival of photoshop!
Image taken by Peter Shoesmith. Geoff Dowling and John Whitehouse Collection.
The new Coventry station is well on the way to being re-built in this photograph from 1963, the new station is a gleaming temple of concrete to greet the new age of electrification. The platform buildings seem complete but much is still needingto be done for the main buildings,Station Square has not been started. The new station platform lights have red tops, a feature that was short-lived. In the foreground a Metro-Cammell DMU is leaving for Nuneaton, the one in the background could be for Leamington or Rugby, both are in original livery with speed whiskers.
The slide was a bin rescue job from the University of Birmingham. Geoff Dowling Collection.
circa 1988
Class 101 DMUs set 108 passes set 102 in the siding to the north east of Saxmundham. Circa 1987-1989 period. Stuart Mackay Collection.
Description - Technical
Description - Interior
Description - Variations
Description - Modifications
Met-Camm Adverts
Drivers Instructions
Operations - Initial
Operations - Later
Operations - Scottish Region
Daisy - 101685
Observation Saloon 6300
Parcel Use
Departmental Use
Details about preserved Class 101s can be found here.
Many thanks to Mac Winfield and Eddie Knorn for their assistance in the preparation of this section.